Thursday, July 26, 2007

Whales ≠ or = Brains

:: How big is a blue whale's brain? Same as pigeon? Or the size of this room? (this is a big room)
:::: Probably big, right? Whales are fairly smart.
:: But if what they say is true, if it was proportionately larger, they would have to be insanely smarter than people.
:::: Sperm whale has the largest brain in the world I read.
:: That means it's smartest, right?
:::: True. That would be way smarter than Stephen Hawking.
:: Spencer told me he found a google video of Stephen Hawking floating in space.
:::: Haha.
!:: I can't beleive a sperm whale's name.]
!:::: Especially for such a serious whale it has a joke name.]
!:: Are sperm whales' sperm all huge? the size of tadpoles or fish?]
!:::: I think tunas are sperm whale sperm.]
!:: Like you could take the sperm and put it in a fish tank and feed it? No need for fertilization?]
!:::: Or stingrays!]
!:: Hahaha of course. Crazy flat sperm. With deadly spikes.]
!:::: Yeah for sure.]
:::: This internet says that a blue whale brain weighed only 15 pounds.
:: Still way heavier than ours. Put together even.
:::: Yeah. I don't know how much mine weighs.
:: I guess it doesn't matter how smart you are if you have flippers for hands and live in the water where you can't talk. They could be geniuses and no one will ever know.
:::: That's true. Cursed geniuses.
:: Geniuses trapped in the bodies of beasts. If you have flippers you are screwed. You can't build anything. Or even sign language. You can't even pick your own barnacles off.
:::: And you can't own anything because you can't hold on to it.
:: Nothing is yours. Except your barnacles.
:::: We are lucky all those big brains are in the ocean or they would have our jobs.
:: Yea seriously. And their robots would have our jobs too.
:::: Ha. Yeah.
:: If they could just get as far as to build one robot that they could control, then all hell would break loose. That robot would become their hands, and build more robots for all the other whales. The whales would build great civilizations, all by the hands of robots.

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