Sunday, November 2, 2008

sunday mash

What does MASH stand for?
Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House.
Oh, really?
Yeah. That's where it comes from.
I always thought a mash was like a crush.
Like, I have the biggest mash on this girl?
Yeah. Not that I ever said that—I have a massive mash.
I like it.
But it's more than a crush. It's a crush that is your perfect match.
And that's how you get MASH.


Melon said...

Mash. Mash? who's got Mash? You got Mash?

Seagull Dream said...

that does make sense. Match+crush=Mash. or crutch

stern mister serious said...

No mash, Melon. Though I did have a weird dream last night wherein you divorced a couple then sealed the girl to me, in a parking lot. I spent the next five dream minutes questioning whether or not you had the authority to do that. You don't.

Kristopher said...

I always thought the MASH (mobile army surgical hospital) was just a place of pain, where you go through several sets of *crutches*. But that's a good idea, to look on it as the means of total rehabilitation!