Wednesday, November 4, 2009

full circle with the lip tissue

» Lips are weird. They're skin, but they're not normal skin.
« Yeah, true. They're half in your mouth and half on your face.
» Outside skin is all dry and lives on land, while the rest of your organ tissue basically lives under water.
« If outside skin is land creatures and inside tissue is underwater breathers, then lips are... amphibians.
» And amphibians are weird.


Melon said...

How do you like blogging and not getting comments? i like that you comment on my blog.

stern mister serious said...

I'm fine with it, but comments are nice. I think commentors demand consistency and pictures—and baby stories.

Myrle Dalton said...

Yes, lips are weird. Some are thin, some thick, some slick looking, some weathered looking and they always surround sound. Luvgram