Thursday, April 5, 2007


: i'm sorry.
:: no hard feelings. feelings are as soft as ever.
::: soft like downfeathers?
:::: yes. how is work?
::::: Jon has a job where he's on messenger and sometimes he tells me secrets.
:::::: it's his job to be on messenger? sweet.
::::::: PART of his job. come one. come all. come on.
:::::::: well, still. want to hear an awesome word?
::::::::: can I hear it?
::::::::: if you say it out loud: adventitious.
:::::::: i did. crazy.
::::::: i like it. it's new. trying to use it is hard though.
:::::: yeah. I probably won't. You should put it in a fun tongue twister or something.
::::: making up clever rhymes and/or ditties is not my forte, unfortunately.
:::: make it a story about a girl named Tricia trick-or-treating maybe. and nutrition should be in there. Little Tricia trick-or-treating . . .
::: carry on. . .
:: I'm stuck.
:little tricia trick-or-treating, adventitious, no nutrition, go back home, back to the kitchen


4-Slyce said...

You have a way with words. Kind of like the Billy Joel song, "She's got a way"

stern mister serious said...

Thank you, and you know I love Billy Joel. AND, credit goes out to everyone who will talk to me, including you.