Tuesday, November 13, 2007

every three years

} We were tiny children when we met. Little college kids.
) That is true. I've thought about that before.
} I think this was my first time.
) We were just teenie. Three years ago. Three years.
} Three burdensome years.
) Three aging years.
} Three milestone years.
) Three complicated years. Three boring years. Three replikated years. Three everything years.
} Three full years.
) Yep.
} How do you feel after those years?
) I feel like those 3 years were so full I can't even imagine how simple and tiny I must have been before they happened. And I kind of wish I would have stopped when I was simple and tiny. And I'm kind of glad that I didn't. And I hope there are more simple tiny years to come. And I wonder if in 3 years I'll think I was simple and tiny right now.
} That's hard to imagine right now.
) Yeah it is. But that's the kind of stuff that happens.
} I can't believe how much different I feel, but how the same I probably am.
) Yep. I feel better and worse.
} The world could be amazingly different in 3 more years. A new job, a new location, a spouse, a child?
) It could. Easily.
} No job, no house, no spouse, no child?
) Easily. Better? Worse? Who knows. But we're in charge of that. But we have no idea what what we're doing will do to those 3 years. So that's hard.
} It's kind of awesome. I like this perspective. I don't know why I feel like I'm in the middle of a 6-year sandwich.
) Because you are. I guess.
} I will start measuring in 3-year increments I guess. Feels like a good increment.
) It's not too final. Three years you can see effects. It's a good increment.
} You can gauge it from beginning to end, it's short enough.
) Yeah.
} Barely.

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