Friday, April 4, 2008

business practice

) They just hired 2 new non-4-Slyces.
) They are just loading up on non-4-Slyces.
) This is ridiculous. And there's no space for them. Everyone keeps going nuts trying to figure out where they will sit and I keep telling them that there would be plenty of room for all if we had just hired 1 4-Slyce instead of 5 girls.
) Sheesh. Hiring everybody but 4-Slyce.
) I am thinking that he didn't get hired because he's a boy.
) That's not good business practice. We've been hiring lots of girls too, instead of boys that can play soccer with us and that won't cause affairs.
) I just asked out loud if they are only hiring girls on purpose and they said "that's discriminating," but I think that's what they are thinking—that clients like dealing with girls better, or something like that.
) Surely. I don't like dealing with girls better. I like it worse. Much, much worse.
) Me too. I can't fathom how much more enjoyable work would be with 4-slyce here. I know everyone would love him. And he could ask the 5 girls on dates all day long. Like ALL day.

1 comment:

4-Slyce said...

yes yes yes. what the heck. in the end cowboys like working with me. I have an amazing connection with them.