Tuesday, January 13, 2009

sometimes the best pat is an absent pat

• That guy's got a droopy eyelid.
• It's a fake eye.
No it's not!
• Yes it is!
• No you don't!
• ??
• Um... you don't know that.


Melon said...

More clues please.

stern mister serious said...

Did you click the link at least?

Melon said...

I didn't know it was a link. I thought he had a fake eye. Was the conversation with Clark? Foreslice?

Zach said...

poor stuart. that would be way scary. funny to see if it wouldn't have hurt him. bang, whiz, pop!

stern mister serious said...

It was a conversation betwixt my quorum secretary and my tenant at my condominium. Mine mine mine.